Digital Investors


How to Turn Your Passion into a Million Dollar Online Business with David Tao

Can you really make money from your passion and actually turn it into a profitable business? In today’s interview with David Tao we find out how he achieved this.

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Can you really make money from your passion and actually turn it into a profitable business?

That’s what David Tao has achieved and in this interview, he’s going to reveal how he turned his love for strength training into a profitable 8-fig online business.

You’ll hear how he got started, how he funded it, how he grew and scaled it to now exiting it for a handsome profit.

If you have a passion that you want to make money from but you’re not sure the best way to start, then watch this interview to hear David’s insights.

Today, You Will Learn

  • How do you grow to 31 Million readers and $19 Million in affiliate sales, (+ exit)… all in just 6 years!
  • How do you monetise very niche targeted audiences
  • How to establish expertise in any niche passion
  • What skills you need to grow a content website
  • When to produce news content vs evergreen content (and what you need to scale)
  • The key challenges of scaling a 7 or 8 figure online business fast
  • Why CONTENT is your product when you have a passion website
  • And much much more.

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Thanks for listening.  We hope you enjoyed today’s episode and have been inspired by David’s insights, to learn how to grow your passion into a profitable online business.  Additional resources and show notes are provided below.

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About Your Host's - Matt and Liz Raad

We are the founders of the Digital Investors Podcast, and eBusiness Institute, an online education and training organization that provides digital courses to help everyday people develop the practical skills they need to future-proof their income. 

Since 2010, we have taught online beginners all over the world our practical system of reaching $10,000/month working from home with semi-passive income websites.

Our goal with the Digital Investors podcast is to teach you how you can increase your income and grow your wealth by acquiring websites and online businesses.

For more details on our 3-step strategy, register for our free masterclass.